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The Facebook Ads Experience
Facebook's IPO highlights its advertising profit, but the platform's ad creation process has a fragmented user experience, lacks clear starting steps, and could benefit from more support for novice users.
Hiring Candidates with the Right "Experience"
Interviewing job candidates can be likened to evaluating interfaces. By identifying user profiles, use cases, creating scenarios, and assessing performance, you can better understand a candidate's fit. Consider your own "interface" and how it impacts others' experience with you.
UX as Therapy
As "UX therapists," designers focus on thinking deeply about design problems & creating space for clients to tackle issues. Separating design process & output is a mistake. Engaging in the process leads to beautiful, functional, & intuitive designs.
Likert Scales in Real Life
Encountering Likert-type wording in everyday life, one doctor's office aims for "very good service," while a carpet service promises "the most outstanding service experience ever." Different approaches impact perceptions of a business's confidence in delivery.
Threadflip and EchoUser in the news!
Threadflip's launch, featuring a luxurious feel and great user experience designed by Amaya Lascano, is set to reinvent the way women swap clothes.
"How much we don't suck!"
How good are you? How much don't you suck? ... Which question _really_ communicates more to you and others? It can be illuminating reframing how we measures ourselves, ehm, I mean user experience.
Starbucks and Peet's: A Design and Usability Investigation
As an intern at EchoUser, I analyzed usability and design issues at Starbucks and Peet's, identifying problems in ordering, store environment, and waste disposal areas. I proposed solutions like clearer direction signs for Starbucks and redesigned trash cans for Peet's.
Living in the Past
Harry West emphasizes inventing a business's future, suggesting that "dream work" in pitch decks reveals true potential and aspirations.
Storytelling Inspiration
Podcasts offer storytelling inspiration for EchoUser, with favorites including This American Life, Radiolab, 99% Invisible, and The Memory Palace, showcasing journalism, science, design, and history.
Design as thinking & acting
As designers, balancing thinking and acting is crucial, with each challenge requiring a unique mix of synthesis, research, and communication.
EU's UX Research Latest: Kick off to best practices, processes, and working smarter
The Research Team held a round table meeting to define processes and best practices, aiming to work smarter on topics such as kickoff meetings, recruiting, metrics, and client profiles, while fostering collaboration and continuous improvement.
Calculating Usability
Bottom line: _"Indeed, beyond all those statistical models, getting the right users is sometimes as important as (if not more important than) getting enough users."_ In other words: test users, enough users, but most importantly, the right users. And don't fret too much over figuring out exactly how many users. You'd be missing the point.
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