Whiteboard Super Fun Time!
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Creative Spirit.

As a newer UX designer, my buddy Felix and I tackled a complex redesign, diving into a whirlwind of coffee-fueled creativity and high-fives, ultimately crafting a kick-ass interface!

Hi, I’m Garrett, a newish UX designer at EchoUser. Recently my compadre Felix and I spent several months redesigning a complex user interface for a client’s cloud computing software platform. (I use the word compadre without whimsy; it can mean co-parent or companion in war. I feel those definitions are accurate). It involved a lot of coffee, head scratching, and frequent guttural sounds of pain intense abstract thought. There was plenty of “board-burn” (drawing or erasing recklessly, chafing the skin on the bottom of your pinky or palm) and ink-stained fingers from using them as erasers. We laughed. We cried. We made. For your viewing pleasure I’ve put together a few snapshots of our experience. Enjoy. A lot of work goes into a conceptual redesign. In fact, a lot more that you can see here. But hey, a 70+-frame GIF is pretty ridiculous as is.


In the end, we came out with all our limbs intact and a kick-ass design. However, we did look a bit like the post-rescue Chilean miners. Super design requires super people: Aaron-Winning Smile-Rich. Pants Charmer; Project Captain. Felix-Raiden-Desroches.;Storm Summoner. UX Master. Garrett-Ryu-Godsey. Hadoken Hurler. Pixel Warrior.

And that’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Until next time, adieu.

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