We're all designers*
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Creative Spirit.

I believe we're all designers in our own ways, shaping various aspects of our lives, work, and relationships; being aware of this can lead to more purposeful actions.

I always hear people say “I’m not a designer. I don’t have time for that stuff. It’s just not my job.” Total bollocks. We’re all designers, and we all design things. They may not be made of pixels, or be sketches with cool looking shadows and highlights, but we do design. Think: CEOs design what a business is and where it’s going. Coaches design the best team. We all design our schedules every day. Lawyers design legal arguments. Teachers design kids, and in doing so, our future. Taxi drivers design their ride (hard on the brakes, hard on the gas, hard on the brakes…) Accountants design taxes and finances. Two people in love design their relationship. The main difference between a trained designer and the rest of us is usually that designers are aware of what, whom, and why they’re designing. Awareness, of course, doesn’t imply actual control – but it’s a good first step. If we all considered ourselves designers, no matter our ilk, what would the world look like? *even you, mum. You designed me, after all.