A concept for an iPhone app that could measure experiences, expressing my excitement about the potential for people to rate their life experiences on the fly, while acknowledging the challenge of getting people used to doing so, as it requires a change in behavior, and possibly even mindset.
Happy (belated) New Year, one and all – I do hope 2010 turns out to be a smashing success for everyone. I figured I’d start things off with a video made by my friend and colleague Etan (@Zaqintosh). It’s a concept for what an iPhone app designed to measure experiences (any experiences, from surfing a website to hopping on BART) could look like, and even though it’s crude, I think it gets the potential across.
Can you imagine if we were able to rate experiences on the fly, all day every day? I, for one, would love to track which ones get me up, and which bring me down. The trick, I think, will be to get people used to rating their life experiences; Yelp’s easy because it’s tied to businesses, but it might not be obvious to people that rating a bad jog, conversation, taxi ride (due to traffic, not the cabbie) or plane ride is just as valuable as rating your local Starbucks.
In any case, without further ado, voila: iPhone experience measurement concept – EchoUser