Initially indifferent to iOS4's multitasking feature, I changed my tune when it solved the issue of interruptions to my music apps, making them more enjoyable to use, efficient, and convenient; and even increasing their adoption, showing the power of technology in enhancing user experience.
When I heard that iOS4 was going to enable some kind of multitasking, my first reaction was a resounding “meh”. You see for me, even though I use my iPhone to do business related tasks and the like, I simply didn’t see the need to be able to switch between apps and keep things running. I had no trouble booting in and out of email (since it’s native, it would save my state for later, really useful when writing an email), checking my calendar, or being on a call and looking up Google Maps. For me, and I’ll wager most iPhone users, this was multitasking enough.
But then something strange happened – namely, I started using my iPhone to listen to music, specifically Pandora and Stitcher (disclaimer below). I have a pretty nice sound system at home, and since I recently re-purposed my AirPort for an extra WIFI network, I took to plugging in my iPhone instead. Everything was working wonderfully until “Ding Ding!”. I received a text message.
Now, it’s not the text message alert that was annoying so much that every time I checked the message I’d have to boot out of whatever music app I was using – and interrupt the music. The first few times this happened I dismissed it with a “Tsk tsk. That’s kind of annoying”, and thought nothing of it. But a few weeks in and I was ready to throw my iPhone across the room. Not to mention that I work from home, and the incessant stop-and-start of the music was driving me batty.
I eventually stopped using Pandora, Stitcher and a ream of other apps on my iPhone because I couldn’t take all the interruptions (I did switch to Pandora One on my computer, though, so Pandora should be happy).
Enter iOS4. With more open multitasking I could all of a sudden start Stitcher, then check a text message, write a quick email, or check Things without the jarring audio cut-off. What was once a thoroughly painful exercise became, in an instant, seamless. And, you guessed it, my use of Pandora and Stitcher has gone through the roof (same with my roomies).
I’d wager that iOS4 practically saved some music apps, and will rapidly increase user adoption from here on out – because let me tell you: there’s nothing worse than interrupted music, and iOS4 just saved the day.
Disclaimer: EchoUser has done some work with the fabulous team over at Stitcher, so we’re definitely biased 🙂